
Archive for September, 2023

September 21, 2023-September 22, 2023 – I got an email from Saturday Night Live asking me to come in for an interview to be a writer. So a friend and I went to the building a couple of days later. I got on an elevator that a couple of people were already on. It was going down. I was getting off on the second floor. Someone else got off on the third floor. It looked like I was going to have to wait for the elevator to go down to the ground floor before it went back up to the second floor. The last person besides me got off on the ground floor. Then my friend and I were walking around the second floor hallway. We had to go through a door into another hallway. There were two offices, diagonally across from each other, in two of the corners. Jon Stewart was by the door in the far office. I checked there first, but they told me that SNL‘s office was the other one. There was a woman who looked like Oprah by the door there. I let them know that I got an email about an interview a couple of days ago. Some guy sat down to interview me in the middle of the office. He asked me about my current job. It was going well, but I was feeling wary of the hours of a job at SNL.

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September 11, 2023-September 12, 2023 – I was watching what I think was a new Marvel movie. It featured J.K. Simmons. He was with a couple other guys, and then he wet off on his own. A bolt of lightning flashed by parallel to the ground and knocked his hat off. Then another bolt hit him square in the face. Later, we were back with J.K. Simmons. He might have been playing a character not from Earth at this point. He had antlers on his head, or something that looked like antlers. He stopped by the same spot where lightning happened, to grab some coffee. I wondered if the lightning would strike in the same spot twice. Then the lightning hit his antlers. Then another bolt flashed by his face. It looked like another one was about to hit his face. Then he was slingshotted back to the front yard of a plantation. A dead guy with one arm who was one of the villains stalked towards him. Another man and a woman – both with one arm – looked on with concern. These one-armed characters were all originally from Black Panther.

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2,023 World Cups

September 7, 2023-September 8, 2023 – I was attending the final of the 2023 men’s World Cup. The U.S. was playing England. It was 1-1 late in regulation. It was a big indoor stadium with a lot of amenities. I was walking around and taking it all in. I wondered why there was a men’s World Cup the same year as a women’s Cup and why it was happening just one year after the last men’s one. Some of my friends who had helped me fly out here arrived. But I went off to the bathroom or somewhere for a few minutes. When I got back, the U.S. had won in a shootout. It looked like the shootout score was 3-2. An arrangement of small wooden pegs seemed to confirm that. I asked someone if that was indeed the score.

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Surprise Skydiving

August 29, 2023-August 30, 2023 – I was watching something in which this young girl found herself  in the unlikely situation in which she was about to go skydiving. It turned out that there were about eight other skydivers on the plane. They were all strapped up and ready to go. The girl jumped out slightly before everyone else. She dipped down to a group of floating people, and then she popped back up a bit.

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