
Archive for March, 2017

March 22, 2017-March 23, 2017 – I was at a vacation beach house. Upstairs, some guy was going on about how 30 Rock was no good anymore in Season 3. I passionately responded that it was excellent through the first 3 seasons, still very good in Season 4, and remained always more good than bad in Seasons 5 and 6. I went upstairs to set the record straight. The hater took off. There were about five meatheads staying in the upstairs rooms. There was a pile of papers with 30 Rock photos in a file folder that I flipped through. There were about five bedrooms upstairs. I walked through all of them. 30 Rock was on the TV in all of them. Then a basketball game from last year’s Olympics started playing. I heard from the announcers that a fight was breaking out. It cut to the scrum, which was in the middle of the court. Coach Krzyzewski was punching at the air. Someone said he was going to get thrown out for that. Kobe Bryant and Dirk Nowitzki were the two main ones going at it. A replay showed what led to this. Kobe scored on a layup, and then Dirk (with Kobe right behind him) dunked on a fast break, completely breaking the backboard. The refs should have stopped the game right then. This made me think of Dirk shooting a BB gun in that SNL sketch making fun of Juggalos.  I wanted to mention that to my friend, but I couldn’t remember what it was called the first time they did that sketch. I remembered “Columbus Day Assblast,” though. Then there was another Juggalo parody video playing. It was just some kid on a basketball court rapping at the camera, with occasional white text appearing onscreen.

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